Friday, January 18, 2013


Steroids. Definitely a form of drug. Simple, you get hook to it mainly because it makes you look good. So if we were to categorize any form of driving factor for one to look good, you are basically on steroids.

This plain and simple conversation came about when I was having my second grande soy frap at Starbucks and there were so many guys, hunky ones with great body frame. It must be something they eat that I am not putting right in my mouth. Darn the youngies!!!

So, three guys sat at the corner was trying to decipher the reason why people with nice body gets the attention? Answer, steroids! Not the physical fungi/plant substance but rather the idea behind constant admiration of the current lifestyle's expectation on physique built. I must say, I want that. Shallow it may sound, I guess I am plainly human. And my other two friends is definitely in agreemenT

It is not like we are obese or boney, but I guess that is what peer pressure do to you. It gives you pressure and then the idea becomes steroids.

So here I am blogging about the idea, and my two friends are talking about this corset thinge that can make you look good. Sounds like Christian Andrew's muffin top underwear is up to something great after all.

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